Jonas Sandstedt
Areas of expertise
Telecommunication, microwave technology, electronics, mechanics.
Professional experience
Westpatent AB, patent attorney: 2011-
Zacco AB (previously Albihns AB), patent attorney: 2000-2011
Viking Microwave AB, R&D engineer for microwave electronics: 1999-2000
Infotech Systems AB, R&D engineer for microwave electronics: 1997-1999
Ericsson Microwave Systems AB, R&D engineer for communication antennas: 1994-1997
Saab Ericsson Space AB, R&D engineer for satellite antennas: 1992-1993
Authorized European Patent Attorney
Authorized Swedish Patent Attorney
Other info
M. Sc., Electrical Engineering, Chalmers University of Gothenburg, 1992
Tel: +46 705 773550